Monday, March 5, 2007

Sign This Man!

This is just to say:

I know people on the West Coast don't always hustle like we do here (hiss all you want-- though actually I know quite a few hustlers out there, so I contradict myself), but if anyone's still reading this now that I've been MIA for, oh, a month, please visit Michael the Blind here, for some gorgeous tunes. I'm not about to make a "sounds like a cross between obscure band number one and seminal blah blah from the early 90s Athens, GA scene," because you really needs-must-just listen:

And if anyone's reading this who has a record label and half a brain and whole heart, you should seriously sign this guy. He is the best Portland has, and Portland has a lot of good, so that's saying something.
His albums are on i-tunes, but they're oh so much prettier in your hands.

No, no, this is not a music blog now. It continues to be an occasional (read: seldom-to-never) procrastination blog, with a slight literary slant-- though music is the best form of procrastination. Hopefully the fact that I don't update this frequently means I'm writing assloads of blow-you-away songs. Or doing my "homework" (read:thesis). Let's presume that I procrastinate less and less these days.